
Birds in the desolate sky

A story form the novel Rembrandt, the miller's son


Out of blackness through the cleavage, as if frozen by an empty thought, came the blueness of the sky, motionless. Scenes followed each other in quick succession in a sequence that I could not comprehend in a maelstrom of colours, light and darkness.

A dandelion and carob cake

A story form the novel Rembrandt, the miller's son


Young men think about women the same way non-swimmers think about the sea. They have to jump in and swim; when and how depends much more on others than on themselves. They are posed many questions, but they have no patience to solve them. The word from which they expect an answer is salty and the ear that hopes to get it is thirsty.

Rembrandt, the miller's son

Izvod iz knjige: 

"Ever since I first saw you, Saskia, my thoughts have been mesmerised by you. Your attractive feminine softness and look that recognised mutual longing have become the joy of my life. A moment for dreams. Your touch changed my intentions. Made the impossible possible. It brought me calm and taught me how to hope. You spelled away my lonely nights instantly. You changed my thoughts, my movements, my silence. Your smile brought sparkles in my eyes. As indomitable winds, my hands moved towards you to caress you. You brought trembling and lust for you in me every step of the way."

Rekli o knjizi: 

"A novel about a painter The first novel by Sreten S. Petkovic, Rembrandt, the Miller's Son (published by Dobra knjiga in 2008 under the title Mlinarev sin), is a romantic biography of Rembrandt van Ryan, but not only that. A world of senses, experienced from the perspective of the great artist, reveals the dance of colors and shadows, senses and perceptions. With taxonomic data on Rembrandt, Petkovic is loquacious when it comes to Rembrandt's personal and intimate being.

Kolač od maslačka i rogača


Mladići o ženama misle slično kao neplivači o moru. Moraju da skoče i zaplivaju, kako i kada, zavisi više od svih drugih nego od njih. Mnoga pitanja im se postavljaju a nemaju strpljenja da ih reše. Slana je reč od koje očekuju odgovor a žedan sluh koji im se nada.

Noć je nasledila kratak dan. Sa mora je duvao vetar i gurao sve pred sobom, kao pijani mornar kada ne može da pronađe svoju lađu.

Ležao sam u mlinu na svom mestu, na složenim vrećama, i osluškivao senke koje vetar stvara igrajući se sa plamenom lampe.

Rembrant, mlinarev sin

Opis knjige: 

Biografski roman o životu Rembranta van Rajna, jednog od najvećih slikara sedamnaestog veka. Pored toga što se ostvario u ljubavi i umetnosti, dva najvažnija oblika sreće u životu, doživeo je da sve izgubi samo zato što je bio opčinjen svojim snom, a nije na vreme shvatio nameru svojih protivnika.   Danas, kada mnogi ljudi prolaze stazom identičnog stradanja, možda bi njegovo iskustvo moglo da im pomogne.   Rembrant, mlinarev sin ukazuje i na neke moderne aspekte života i dostignuća naše civilizacije, koje je Rembrant razumeo u svom životu i vremenu.

Izvod iz knjige: 

“Od kada sam te ugledao Saskija, opčinio sam svoje misli tobom. Tvoja privlačna ženska mekota i pogled koji je prepoznao obostranu žudnju postali su moja radost života. Trenutak za snove. Dodir tvoj mi je promenio namere. Učinio nemoguće mogućim. Doneo mi je smiraj i naučio me da se nadam. Moje puste noći odagnala si u jednom trenu. Promenila si mi misli, pokrete, tišinu. Pogled mi je zasijao od tvog osmeha. Kao neukrotivi vetrovi, ruke su mi se pokretale u milovanje prema tebi. Budila si u meni svakog časa nemir i čežnju.”

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